The Pursuit of Lucy Banning - Olivia Newport As one of the 1980s Chicago’s elite upper class, Lucy Banning must overcome her family’s expectations for her and keep a number of secrets in order to follow her heart.Attending the university was precisely what Lucy was doing — at least, one class — despite Flora Banning’s conviction that higher education was irrelevant for her daughter, and for that matter, all young ladies from fine families with good prospects.This Christian historical fiction romance takes place among the hubbub of preparation for Chicago’s 1983 World’s Fair. Since reading The Devil in the White City last year, I’ve taken a keen interest in the Chicago World’s Fair, and found this book captured the excitement and anticipation of the city during that time. Lucy is a bright and caring heroine whose story is not without its bumps and personality not without flaws, but whose optimism never leads the reader to doubt that she’ll live happily ever after one way or another.Though this is intended to be a work of Christian fiction, there’s little “God talk” at all; I had expected more than a few lines about a sermon (that Lucy didn’t even like) and a reference to a character picking up her Bible for the first time in a long time.Overall: A good, clean romance set in an exciting time in history.